Mom + Me March 2024 Calendar

Exploring Colors and Creativity Theme


As a toddler mom, I find creativity to be the number one focus on my child. The way our children see the world is 80% creative perspective giving the fact that they have no idea what the real world they have coming into is like, so their imagination is absolutely inspiring and has no precedence. Take a minute to allow your child to enlighten you with their uniques point of views, allow space for them to trust their open mind, and show him what you know so they can make something better of it. Have you notice how generations are normally a little bit more uplifted than the previous ones. New generations brake barriers created by their parents, and it is our jobs as mothers, to guide our son/daughters to be better than us, in any way, and by all means, by inspiring them to do and try all type of activities and creations. Have fun and make art, music, and explore nature fabulous moments, and join a mindset together to find endless magic in earth and using imagination.

  • Day 1:

    • Activities: Rainbow art and crafts, Color-themed lunch, Indoor rainbow scavenger hunt, Family dance party.

  • Day 2:

    • Activities: Colorful nature walk, Picnic with vibrant foods, Rainbow-themed family storytelling night.

  • Day 3 :

    • Activities: Create a family rainbow collage, Color-themed cooking session, Movie night with colorful films.

  • Day 4

    • Activities: Family painting session, Art-inspired lunch, Sculpture building with colorful materials, Family poetry reading and writing.

  • Day 5

    • Activities: Art gallery at home, Exploring different art techniques, Art-themed family storytelling night.

  • Day 6

    • Activities: Outdoor painting in the backyard, Art-themed picnic, Stargazing and discussing the colors of the night sky.

  • Day 7

    • Activities: Family cooking with colorful ingredients, Color-themed lunch, Create a colorful family recipe book, Family dance party.

  • Day 8

    • Activities: Visit a local farmer's market for colorful fruits and vegetables, Create a rainbow fruit salad, Movie night with food documentaries.

  • Day 9

    • Activities: Bake and decorate colorful cupcakes, Picnic with vibrant treats, Colorful family storytelling night.

  • Day 10

    • Activities: Family hike to explore nature's colors, Nature-themed lunch, Nature-inspired family art project, Family poetry reading and writing.

  • Day 11

    • Activities: Planting colorful flowers in the backyard, Gardening with vibrant blooms, Color-themed outdoor games.

  • Day 12

    • Activities: Family visit to a botanical garden, Picnic among colorful flowers, Stargazing in the garden.

Follow a similar schedule for the rest of the month using first 12 days as a guide. This month of march we are showing our calendar blog a little more focus on activities since our basics tasks are already set in stone as per previous month. If you would like us to elaborate a detail calendar style again just comment on this post. Stay tuned for the continuation of the monthly plan!


Weart2 Studio is a design, web development  and art company that began operations in early 2014 in Miami, Florida. We have experience in visual arts, web development, online user interface experience using different technologies and  modern design architecture . In the field of graphic design, we specializes in corporate identity, Art Direction and print media.

Healthy Parenting Habits


Sacred Creativity: Infusing Spiritual Practices into Artful Parenting