Happy 24/7 Mom Magic - Celebrating the 365 Days a year Journey of Motherhood

In my daily life as a mom, , I find strength in this mantra: "I can do this, I built a human from scratch."

"Motherhood: a journey of selflessness, strength, and boundless love. As Anne Lamott once said, 'There is no one perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children. What matters is that a mother loves her children deeply.' Embrace your uniqueness, for it is your greatest gift. Happy Mother's Day!"

In today's world, we often expect knowledge to be rigid and immutable. We're pressured to have all the answers and to know exactly what we're doing at all times. But the reality is far from that; life, especially parenting, is a journey of constant evolution. We step into the role of mom without any prior training, learning and adapting our parenting styles as we go. This inevitably involves making mistakes, feeling like we could do better with each passing moment, and sacrificing sleep over it. And you know what? That's perfectly okay. It's all part of the process of learning and growing as parents.

Believing in our innate maternal instincts and embracing our capacity to evolve is key. At the heart of it all is love – for our children and for ourselves. Love is the guiding force that shapes our decisions and actions. A child who is nurtured with love will thrive, even if our parenting styles aren't perfect. The beauty lies in making decisions rooted in love, both for our children and for ourselves.

So, to all the moms out there – whether you're navigating this journey solo or with a partner – We wish you a Happy Mother's Year.



Weart2 Studio is a design, web development  and art company that began operations in early 2014 in Miami, Florida. We have experience in visual arts, web development, online user interface experience using different technologies and  modern design architecture . In the field of graphic design, we specializes in corporate identity, Art Direction and print media.


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